Sunday, February 14, 2010

Choco Cake

order from Mr Tony
Choco Cake with Chocolate Rice topping..
hope ur enjoy it & thks for the order

Marble Week

minggu nie mmg marble week.
another order from office mate Ila..
thx for the order pal....

Brownies Hantaran

minggu nie sibul betul..
yalah coming for CNY festival...byk kerja yg perlu disiapkan..
dalam masa tu sempat juga siap brownies utk hantaran pertunangan..
nie utk office mate Cik CT...brownies dgn marble cake

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Marble for CNY

alhamdulilah siap juga tempahan marble for CNY souvenir
semuanya 22 biji and able to ready on time and completed deliver tz morning

brownies with almond order frm regular customer Ms Ram..
thanks for ur continuous supports.